Fascia & The Mystery of Chronic Pain | Dana Sterling | LIFE TALK

From the Life 360 Health and Wellness Summit 2018 by Dana Sterling Founder of Sterling Structural Therapy To learn more click contact us to book your Free 45 minute Virtual Consult Sterling Structural Therapy (SST) is a new paradigm in chronic pain treatment. SST is the ONLY Fascia-based VIRTUAL therapy, that uses the principal of Chirality to correct systemic Myofascia imbalances, restoring movement, function and quality of life! Have you had your Myofascia system assessed? contact us, take the first step to changing your life! 602-908-7108 ClientCare@ SST offers both Virtual and in person treatment programs Dana Sterling pioneered Sterling Structural Therapy, a revolutionary Fascia based, non-invasive method for the treatment of chronic pain and orthopedic conditions. WHAT YOU’LL LEARN: • Fascia the hidden anatomical netw
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