The Magnificent Kotobuki - Full Opening (Sora No Ne)

The opening to the anime “The Magnificent Kotobuki“ (荒野のコトブキ飛行隊), named Sora No Ne (ソラノネ) by ZAQ. Guess I havent used this in a while, huh? I discovered this anime from the teeny collab they did with Ace Combat 7, where they added a couple of emblems. Being a warplane nerd, I was immediately hooked to it. I found that the suprisingly fantastic OST hadn’t been uploaded individually yet. So I decided to dust off the old channel for this. I’ll be uploading the full version of the ED as well, along with the OST. None of this is mine! All properties shown in the video belong to their creators and the owners of their intellectual properties. If you’re interested, please support the creators by watching it legally.
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