Five Players Who Sabotage Their Own Fun - RPG Philosophy

We play Tabletop Games to have fun. Sometimes we don’t. Here’s five players who not only ruin their own enjoyment, but often the enjoyment for everyone else at the table. Guest starring The Gang. __________ DID YOU KNOW I’M A NOVELIST? If you want to support my channel, or just want to read an action-packed Urban Fantasy about modern-day monster hunters and their sentient weapons, check out my four-novel Valducan series. Audio book editions narrated by the badass R.C. Bray: I also write pulpy Sword & Sorcery thief adventures in my Tales of the Black Raven series. It’s 21 short adventures packed with action, intrigue, and daring heroics. And if you want a kickass and dark revenge story about a modern-day sorceress hunting for lost Carcosa, my novel Ashes of Onyx is available in print, ebook, and audio book: __________ FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER I mostly ramble about movies and random other things as they occur to me:
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