Homo Ludens: Social Gaming: Sina Kamala Kaufmann at TEDxRheinMain
Playing is a core human need. The rational homo economicus may indeed be a myth, and the concept of a homo faber, who is by definition productive, may have to be enriched by the element of playfulness and fun as driving powers. Are we Homo Ludens after all?
In a time, when rationality seems on the rise, people all over the world integrate gaming activities in their everyday lives. Games - unproductive by nature, strongly irrational and driven by social rewards - are immensely engaging. The total time spent on gaming is astonishing. Some people say games are a waste of time, but are they? What actually is playing and what has it to do with our identity?
It is time to take a closer look at collective identities and the political impact of digital and technical progress in modern societies in the light of the rise of Social Gaming. Social Games are a fast-growing phenomenon - more than two hundred million people are playing Social Games each day on Facebook alone. Who are these people and why d
5 months ago 00:52:46 41
Двинянинов Б. К. Азартные игры и гадательные практики в Древнем Египте и Древней Греции
5 months ago 01:07:32 1
Homo Ludens: человек играющий, интервью с Александром Мироновым