Documentary Cuts (1930-1949)

This appears to be cuts (out takes, rushes) relating to several documentaries - some unrecognised by this cataloguer. Check records for details of cut stories, where mentioned. THE GREAT CRUSADE - More shots of slum areas. General view of street of terraced houses. Small cat stands beside slum house, washing on line. A woman stands with a baby in her arms beside a slum dwelling. TIN MINING - Several shots of tin mines (in Cornwall?). UNKNOWN ITEM - Various shots of men working to clean a liner ship in dock (Southampton?). They stand in small boats and scrub her bottom with brooms. General views of the ship - Empress of Britain. Few people stand on quayside and look at the ship. Shots in boiler room of ship (?). Some men stand beside the large machinery; another stands at a large control board and twiddles knobs. Man looks at consul board with lights. THE GREAT CRUSADE - Similar shots relating to scene where the two men call on Molly’s family in their new home (studio set). UNKNOWN I
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