OpenTEAM In-Depth Learning Series - Propagate Ventures

Presenter: Jeremy Kaufman, Chief Operating Officer, Propagate Ventures Description: Propagate Ventures offers a simplified approach to agroforestry. It provides an analytics & project development platform with economic insights making it easy to profit with agroforestry. In this presentation, Propagate will showcase their tools, discuss agroforestry methods, discuss technological methods for making agroforestry accessible, and open up space for discussion about collaborations. -- Our goal with this OpenTEAM Learning Series is to build the knowledge base of the OpenTEAM community in a way that fosters coherence and collaboration so that we can better serve our diverse membership. We will feature new presenters each time within and outside of our community. Through this we hope to: • Illustrate and document the dynamic nature of our community in support of community strengthening and expansion. • Inspire and share new concepts and technologies that enable the emergence of new
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