Learn How to Paint VINEYARD ALLEYWAY with Acrylic - Fun Paint & Sip at Home - Step by Step Tutorial

VIDEO DESCRIPTION - This painting tutorial will take you through easy to follow, step-by-step instructions on how to paint this lovely landscape image of “VINEYARD ALLEYWAY“ with acrylic paint. You’ll learn simple painting techniques that will help you to develop a realistic natural looking landscape of grape farm with traveling vines, foliage, and brilliant shadows pulling the viewer down the path into a warm summer day. Maybe the time of year is spring, summer, or early fall… you can use your imagination! You’ll learn how to add atmospheric dimension in the sky with an easy blending technique and in the canopy draped field using a stippling brush stroke creating an impressionistic display of leaves. You’ll also learn how to paint grape clusters that look 3d with a layering process giving a real photo quality. With perfectly proportioned size variations in the wooded plant vines and posts, you’ll create a painting full of depth and perspective. Using strategically placed sha
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