How to write news articles - In a nutshell

How to write a news article - expert advice from Richard Hussey at RSH Copywriting - Don’t miss new In a nutshell videos... subscribe by clicking here: Find out more about this video... ........................................ How to write a news article, In a nutshell. Hello, today I want to talk to you about writing better news articles, blogs and press releases: I want you to remember three basic principles: Be relevant, Write powerful headlines, Be original What do I mean by relevance? Get attention by building your articles around the interests, ambitions and challenges of your target audience. And always ask one basic question: ’why would anybody read this?’. Think too about the business results you want to achieve - how does each article help you get there? Headlines. As David Ogilvy said: ’when you’ve written your headline you’ve spent eighty cents out of your dollar’ that should tell you just
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