Naval Scenes - Arriving At Docks (1945)

Unused / unissued material - dates and locations unclear or unknown. Naval scenes - arriving at docks. Various shot of large warships either in or approaching a dock. Shots of people on the sure as ship docks. M/Ss of ships docked. People cheering. More people milling around on shire. Some sailors dancing with young women. L/S of large battleship. Camera pans from right to left. Presumably German Battleship as a plane with German cross is on the deck. Senior staff on board small boat, British flag flying behind them. Various shots of warships in the dock many appear to belong to the Royal Navy. Shots of crowds of people on board. Several shots of unknown dignitaries making speeches inside stately building. Large gathering of people present. Royal couple standing side by side. Motorcyclist leaving stately building followed by open car with dignitaries inside. Crowds waving flags (possibly Swedish or Danish). Soldiers on parade, they salute. M/S of senior naval official walking down ramp from warsh
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