Anneka meets a pack of wolves at the most Northerly wildlife reserve in Norway - Polar Park. She is accepted into the pack and howls alongside them. Norway only has around 100 wolves left in the whole country and they are regularly culled. Anneka hopes to show that these beautiful and majestic animals are misunderstood, mislabelled and deserve protection and the freedom to repopulate areas they once thrived. Norway is a huge remote wilderness, but despite the mountains and wild terrain, they Government only allows around 100 wolves to exist at any one time. The wolves are culled annually to keep the numbers low. This is genetically very unhealthy, so with proper flock guardians, it would be great to see the wolf return to the north of the country like in days of old. Polar Park’s new Predator Programme hopes to encourage farmers to be more tolerant of this age old predator and use responsible means to allow both their livestock and the wolves to exist. Thankyou to Ramona and Stig of Polar Park https://pola
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