I stole a NASA PC and played Fortnite on it.

SUBSCRIBE Follow me on Twitter Join my discord Song: TrippyThaKid Leedle Leedle Lee Fortnite Settings: Res 1: 1920x1080 Res 2: 1728x1080 Sens X: Sens Y: DPI: 1800 Fortnite Video Settings: View Distance - Epic Shadows - Off Anti-Aliasing - Off Textures - Epic Effects - Low Post Processing - Low *Motion Blur: Off* My Specs: Mobo: ROG-Strix z370-h Gpu: Gtx 1080 8g Cpu: i7-8700K Cooling: H100i v2 RAM: 16g Corsair 3000mhz Case: Some Deepco
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