Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble Vol. 60 - Series of Song “Ten Years in General’s Embrace“
보천보전자악단 제60집 - 노래련곡 장군님품속에서 10년
Ансамбль электронной музыки Почхонбо. Альбом №60. Серия песен “10 лет в объятиях Вождя“
01. [00:00] No Motherland without You \ 당신이 없으면 조국도 없다 \ Нет Родины без Вас
a) ➡️ Our Comrade Kim Jong Il - 우리의 김정일동지 - Наш товарищ Ким Чен Ир
🎼 Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Jon Hye Yong
b) ➡️ We Can’t Live Separated from His Embrace - 그 품 떠나 못살아 - Без него не прожить
🎼 Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Ri Pun Hui
c) ➡️ My Country Full of Happiness - 행복넘쳐라 나의 조국이여 - Наша страна полна счастья
🎼 Male instrumental music, arrangement by Ku Sung Hae
The track starts with the song “No Motherland without You“, and this name was taken as the name of this series of songs
02. [06:39] Famous Music Selected \ 시대의 명곡을 찾아주시여 \ Подборка известных музыкальных произведений
a) ➡️ The Youth of the New Day - 새날의 청춘 - Молодёжь нового дня
🎼 Female duet - Ri Pun Hui, Ri Kyong Suk
b) ➡️ Okryugyo Waltz - 옥류교원무곡 - Вальс Оннюгё
🎼 Female trio - Jon Hye Yong, Ri Pun Hui, Ri Kyong Suk
c) ➡️ Golden Trees, Apple Trees We Planted on the Hills - 황금나무 능금나무 산에 심었소 - Золотые яблони, растущие в горах
🎼 Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Kim Kwang Suk
03. [11:05] Electronic Ensemble of Our Own Style Formed \ 우리 식의 전자악단을 꾸려주시여 \ Ансамбль электронной музыки в нашем стиле
a) ➡️ That’s Thanks to the Leader’s Care - 수령님 은덕일세 - Благодаря заботе Вождя
🎼 Male instrumental music, arrangement by Ku Sung Hae
b) ➡️ Ongheya - 옹헤야 - Онхея
🎼 Male instrumental music, arrangement by Ku Sung Hae
04. [13:27] Folk Songs to Suit Contemporary Feelings \ 민요를 현시대에 맞게 \ Народные песни, соответствующие современным чувствам
a) ➡️ Arirang - 아리랑 - Ариран
🎼 Female solo - Ri Kyong Suk. Arrangement by Ku Sung Hae
b) ➡️ Yongchon Arirang - 영천아리랑 - Йончхон Ариран
🎼 Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Kim Kwang Suk. Arrangement by Ri Jong O
c) ➡️ Good Harvest Song - 풍년을 노래하네 - Песня о хорошем урожае
🎼 Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Jo Kum Hwa. Arrangement by Ri Jong O
d) ➡️ Mulberry Ballad - 뽕타령 - Баллада о шелковице
🎼 Female trio and chorus behind the stage - Jon Hye Yong, Ri Pun Hui, Ri Kyong Suk. Arrangement by Ri Jong O
* Йончхон вместо Ёнчхон - согласно инструкции по передаче географических названий
05. [18:10] Writers and Performers Trained \ 창작가 - 연주가로 키우시여 \ Авторы и исполнители обучены
a) ➡️ Youth - 청춘 - Молодость
🎼 Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Ri Pun Hui
b) ➡️ Thankful to Our Party - 우리 당이 고마워 - Благодаря нашей Партии
🎼 Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Jo Kum Hwa
c) ➡️ If Our Mother Party Wishes - 어머니 우리 당이 바란다면 - Если Партия-Мать пожелает
🎼 Female duet - Jon Hye Yong, Ri Kyong Suk
06. [22:32] Foreign Music Refined \ 외국곡을 더 훌륭하게 \ Иностранная музыка в обработке
a) ➡️ Putri Sarinande - 싸리난데 - Принцесса Саринанде (индонезийская народная песня)
🎼 Female solo - Jon Hye Yong. Arrangement by Ku Sung Hae
b) ➡️ Aloha Oe - 알로하 오에 - Алоха Оэ (гавайская песня).
🎼 Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Kim Kwang Suk. Arrangement by Kang Chol Ho
07. [28:00] Popular songs, an Integral Part of Life \ 생활의 길동무 - 대중가요 \ Популярные песни - неотъемлемая часть жизни
a) ➡️ My Country Is Best - 내 나라 제일로 좋아 - Лучше нет страны моей
🎼 Female duet and chorus behind the stage - Ri Pun Hui, Ri Kyong Suk
b) ➡️ Whistle - 휘파람 - Свист
🎼 Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Jon Hye Yong
c) ➡️ I Can’t Tell Yet - 아직은 말못해 - Не могу пока сказать
🎼 Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Jo Kum Hwa
d) ➡️ Don’t Ask My Name - 내 이름 묻지 마세요 - Не спрашивай имени моего
🎼 Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Ri Kyong Suk
08. [34:20] General Is Our Destiny \ 장군님은 우리의 운명 \ Полководец - наша судьба
a) ➡️ Look Us - 우리를 보라 - Смотрите на нас
🎼 Female solo - Ri Kyong Suk
b) ➡️ May Comrade Supreme Commander Enjoy Good Health! - 최고사령관동지 건강을 축하함 - Пожелаем Верховному Главнокомандующему здоровья
🎼 Chorus
c) ➡️ The Victorious Parade - 승리의 열병식 - Победный военный парад
🎼 Chorus
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NOTE - It is not original copy from CD. It is result of searching of the songs in the web (according the information from catalogue).
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