2020 Native Slayer Propel 10 Kayak Walkthrough and Rigging

Well after spending 8 hours on the water today and only catching one fish, I decided to show an overview of my kayak and fishing setup instead of me struggling all day lol. Overall this kayak has been amazing. I have owned it for 7 months now and have zero regrets. It is incredibly stable while still being extremely light weight, which makes it perfect for car topping. Due to Covid they are pretty hard to find at the moment, but if you are able to, I highly recommend this kayak. Let me know if you have any questions below and thanks for watching! Gear used: Camera *GoPro Hero 8 black Kayak *2020 Native Slayer Propel 10 Lizard Lick: *FeelFree Crate Bag: ACK PLA&scid=scplp17817_14916_1 *Humminbird Helix 7 Mega SI Fish Finder: *AutoChart Map for Helix 7 (Used to create custom maps): Smart Shopping - Catch All - PLA_Generic&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-af6BRC5ARIsAALPIlUXf7H1Bw9NGpsJOveNhr5RBWPvpfvc-Xm9Qe0GRdaZimqT6Fn40oUaAnoCEALw_wcB&gclsrc= *Nocqua 10AH battery: *C-Tug kayak cart: *Ego G2 Sliding net size 18 to 36in: =ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 *Paddle: Clothing: *NRS Boundary Boots (Mine are discontinued. Link to new model): *Life Vest: =ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
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