Churchill The Man - Commonwealth Version - Reel 1 (1950-1959)

01:28:56 Retrospective film tracing the life and achievements of Sir Winston Churchill. Reel 1. Film begins with a solemn elegy as the camera moves through a wood. “A man there was amongst us who was bold as mountains or tides, who spoke his mind not only as himself but for mankind...“ etc. Zoom in to a grand house - Chartwell. Interior of Churchill’s library. Pan across books ending on “My Early Life“ by Churchill and a collection of his war speeches. Zoom in to a still of Churchill with film title superimposed. Hand takes the book “My Early Life“ off the shelf and opens pages to show a photograph of Churchill with his mother - the famous American beauty Miss Jerome. A photograph of his father Lord Randolph Churchill, is placed on top of the photograph of his mother. Voiceover quotes from Churchill’s writing about his family and childhood. Photograph of Churchill wearing “the hard hat necessary for the expensive first school“ and a still of his form at Harrow - most boys sit in rows as is traditio
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