Going Outside with ONLY SHORTS AND T-SHIRT ON!?

So guys today I am doing a video outside in the snow but with a twist. I am going to outside with only shorts and a t shirt on. It was very cold outside this morning and I had no school so why not go outside in the snow And freeze. It was a lot colder before the video so I had to wait a bit for it to cool down but it was still very cold. One like equals one prayer for me not to get frostbite. Guys I have introduced my new shoutout method so you guys can plug yourself. All you have to do is be subscribed and like the videos and comment down below “I want a shoutout” or something like that. Comment down below what you guys want to see because I think the Moto vlog are getting boring so just comment down below. This next video that I am making Is going to be a banger! Well guys more videos coming soon. Don’t forget to like and subscribe. Oh and I will be posting a lot more now. Green screen: =mp_s_a_1_fkmr2_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1546
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