This play when you are challenging Zinnia at the top of Sky Pillar in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
To check out her battle, just click on the video cards (“!“)
Main goal of these video concept ideas:
My main goal for these kind of videos is to be as creative as possible!
Let me explain:
- Firstly, my very first channel Mixeli post tons of Gameplays from Every Generation (Which once again was played and recorded by myself in it’s entirety. It took me many years of works.)
My video have Educational Value and let me explain why: It does provide help to the user who watch the video. One of the few example for that is which musics is played from my gameplays. It could easily be found on video cards (The exclamation mark “!“ you see on the video above at the right) and vice versa. (This mean that on this video for example, you could also find my actual battle gameplays of where this music is played)
- Secondly, My video are transformative enough, I took the time to play the game and recording the musics. I took the time to improve it’s original quality using Vegas Pro. Thanks to a program called “Track EQ“ that you can find on Vegas Pro.
This program allow the user to enhance it’s original quality and further improving it. This need concentration as each version has different audio quality.
- Thirdly and as you have noticed: On each Generation, I use different background that I bought on a website called Shutterstock. (Which I have bought at least 336 pictures background, just so I can become as creative as possible and also work on a lot of different style using those background)
This kind of concept was created by myself since 2011. Today it has become one of the main concept of my channel that I personally created.
- Lastly is to bring the community together. I have noticed that so many people are commenting and giving their opinions on the video, sharing their experience about characters from the game, confirming theory, saying funny stuff and I find this extremely amazing and interesting! I don’t want their comment to be unnoticed so I have plan for the future of my content about commenting and sharing their experience on videos that I will produce one day!
I think I explained everything now. Enjoy and have a great day!
All musics, gameplay and content included within this video are transformative, creative, have educational value and this recording are from my own gameplay. I’m also the one that created that concept video ideas. No copyright infringement is intended.
Credit: Nintendo, Game Freak, Creature Inc., TPCi
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