서울대 어학당 습격🙌 KPOP과 사투리를 활용한 한국어 수업을 준비하신 오늘의 가온&파래킴 교수님들👍. 근데요 교수님..저 학점 fail할 것 같아요. 교수님들 잘생김에 fall해서..👉💙👈
📣P.S! 7월25일부터 단7일간만 인싸오빠 구독자를 위해 오픈하는 G마켓 쿠폰으로, 같이 공부하고, 먹고, 놀아요✨
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Attacking Seoul university’s Language Education Institute🙌 This time, INSSA OPPA got up as professor to teach Korean language through KPOP lyrics and Korean dialects👍. But think I’m gonna fail this course cuz I got fall into your handsome visuals..👉💙👈
📣P.S! From to , special Gmarket sales coupon is released only for INSSA OPPA subscribers! Let’s study, eat, and play 2gether✨
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