2024 marks the 10th Anniversary of the Reunification of Crimea with Russia

2024 marks the 10th Anniversary of the Reunification of Crimea with Russia Following the historic dates of March 16th (the 2014 referendum held), 18th (the Agreement signed), on May 3 the Russian Embassy Embassy in Nigeria hosted a photo exhibition, dedicated to the reunification of Crimea with Russia and a screening of the RTDoc documentary “Crimea’s Renaissance“. Facts: % of Crimeans and 95.6% of Sevastopol residents supported reunification with Russia. It was the embodiment of the right of peoples for self-determination and a true triumph of democracy. Among the attendees of the exhibition and the film screening were journalists and television industry representatives accredited at the Embassy, as well as public figures and city officials. RT reported extensively on this event. During the exhibition, guests were shown paintings and images of Crimean nature, cultural and historical landmarks, including photographs of the Swallow’s Nest castle, the Artek camp, historical wi... Source: Russian Embassy in Nigeria
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