► riddles & jokes | one bad day. [+4x18]

“you are a killer. stop trying to fight it.“ • i’m gonna miss the shit out of jerome, and im so bummed out we didn’t get to see these two have an incredible scene together. hopefully, you’ll all enjoy this video and see how much these two have in common with one another! i also just wanna say i don’t ship them, this was just for fun! p.s fingers crossed /we do/ get an iconic scene between the joker and riddler now. ALSO EXCUSE THE UGLY ASS TYPO AT THE END, CLEARLY ITS TOO EARLY IN THE MORNING FOR ME ____________________________ CUNT CLUB; (AKA MY GIRLS) CHECK THEM OUT! (sam): (gracie):... ____________________________ program: sony vegas pro 14. coloring: LostBanshee. song: /watch?v=EEL2VomvzkI fandom: gotham [ edward nygma, jerome valeska. ] ____________________________ social media: twitter: @cmsmeme tumblr: nygmasexual. #fanvidfeed #gotham
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