Дети отвечают на трудные вопросы деда мороза. Устами младенца взгляд снизу.

Лайк, подписка, обнимашки: Известный формат интервью-дети, которые делали Ургант и Гуревич (устами младенца, взгляд снизу) теперь с участием самого деда Мороза. In this video, children answer difficult questions from Santa Klaus. With their tiny voices, they provide an intimate look at what it’s like to be a child during Christmas. This video is a beautiful way to learn about the Christmas season from the perspective of children. Santa Klaus asks children difficult questions about their Christmas memories, and the children answer with sincerity and enthusiasm. This video is a great way to get kids excited for Christmas and to learn about the joys and traditions of the holiday season.
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