OLD NEW YEAR 32 Bar Strathspey For 4 Couples In A 4 Couple Set, Devised By Evgeniya Kislukhina

OLD NEW YEAR 32 Bar Strathspey For 4 Couples In A 4 Couple Set, Devised By Evgeniya Kislukhina, Published In Book Of Records. 1-4 1st and 2nd couples, also 3rd and 4th couples dance four hands round7 to the left 5-8 2nd and 3rd couples dance four hands round to the left 9-16 All four couples dance reels of four, 1st couple cross in and down to start, 2nd couple dance out and up, 3rd couple in and down, 4th couple out and up. Couple on first place cross down to continue reel on opp side (1)(2)(3)(4) 17-20 1L and 2M, also 4L and 3M cross RH, 1L and 4Lchange places on sidesLH. 21-24 2L and 1M, also 3L and 4M cross RH, 1M and 4M change places on sides LH 25-32 2nd and 4thcouples, also 1st and 3rdcouples dance all round Poussette Finish 2413
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