When you’re the Last Mann Standing who has to face off Saxton Hale Do you think you have what it takes to defeat him in a bare knuckle fist fight? ---------------- Versus Saxton Hale is pretty fun, what else can I say? If you notice I’ve been more active in recent memory, you’re correct. That’s due to me having a bit more time to spare because of the summer holiday. However that won’t last forever obviously which is why now I’ve focussed more on shorter hard hitting videos the last couple of weeks, to show YouTube I’m still alive and well. I do plan on resuming work on AO2F Part 2 so you don’t have to worry about that either. I can’t promise I’ll be able to keep this activity up forever, so in the very least, let’s enjoy the summer while it still lasts as we’re about to enter August. Damn time flies. either way cya soon ---------------- Workshop Items: Mann Co. HQ (map) -
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