Hämarik - Sunset
The brief time of joy, the time rich with songs and flowers during the shortest nights, makes up for the long sufferings of the harsh winter for the inhabitants of our northern land. During this festive time of northern nature, when dawn and dusk reach out to each other, an old man told his gathered grandchildren the love story of Dawn and Dusk, - and I will recount here what I heard.
Do you know the light-bearer in Grandfather’s (Supreme God) house? He has just gone to rest, and where he fades, his glow still shines in the sky, and already the band of light is moving eastwa
...rd, where he must soon greet all of nature again in full splendor. Do you know the hand that receives the sun and puts it to rest when it has finished its journey? Do you know the hand that reignites the extinguished sun and sets it on its new path in the sky? Grandfather had two faithful servants of the kind who were given eternal youth, and when the light-bearer completed his journey for the first evening, he said to Dusk: “I entrust you, dear daughter, with the setting sun. Extinguish it and hide the fire so no harm will come.“ And when the sun was to start its new journey the next morning, he said to Dawn: “Your duty, dear son, is to ignite the light-bearer and prepare it for the new journey.“ Faithfully, both fulfilled their duties, and not a single day was the light-bearer missing from the sky, and in winter, when he moves along the edge of the sky, he extinguishes earlier in the evening and begins his journey later in the morning; and when he awakens songs and flowers in the spring and ripens the fruits with his hot rays in the summer, then only a short rest is given to him, and Dusk hands the extinguished sun directly to Dawn, who immediately reignites it for new life.
This beautiful time had now arrived, when flowers bloom and smell sweet, and birds and people filled the space under Ilmarinen’s vault with songs, - then both looked too deeply into each other’s currant-colored eyes, and when the setting sun passed from Dusk to Dawn, they clasped hands and their lips met.
But one eye, which never closes, noticed what happened in the quiet secrecy of midnight, and the next day Grandfather called both before him and said: “I am satisfied with your fulfillment of your duties and wish for you to be completely happy. Therefore, belong to each other and henceforth perform your duties as husband and wife.“
And both replied with one voice: “Grandfather, do not spoil our joy. Let us remain forever bride and groom, for in the state of bride and groom we have found our happiness, where love is always young and new.“
And Grandfather granted their request and blessed their decision. Only once a year, for the duration of four weeks, do they meet at midnight, and when Dusk gives the setting sun into the hands of her beloved, it is followed by a handshake and a kiss, and Dusk’s cheek blushes and reflects rosily from the sky, until Dawn reignites the light-bearer and the yellowish glow in the sky announces the rising sun again. Grandfather still decorates the fields with the most beautiful flowers for their meeting feast, and nightingales teasingly call out to Dusk, who lingers too long on Dawn’s chest: “Lazy girl, lazy girl! The night is long!“Show more