The Law of Moses in 5 Minutes!

What is the Law of Moses, really? Who was it for? Just for the Jews, for Christians, for the whole world?? What I will cover in this video is who was the Law given to and why. Under the Law or Under Grace. Torah Observance. Hebrew Roots. Many conversations today beg for a proper understanding of the Law of Moses. So many believers misled because of a lack of understanding. Simply, The Law of given to Moses to give Israel because of their sin. It was to be a standard to them to know right from wrong, but also with consequences (from God) for doing wrong, as well as rewards for doing good. Now the catch is, Moses (The LAw) David and the Prophets all spoke and prophesied of one that would come. A New Lawgiver as the church fathers referred to him as. He would put the law of God in men’s hurts, to Love God and is neighbor, and would save men from the consequences of their sins by receiving their punishments for them. This Lawgiver did come, and He did disannul the first covena
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