Insane Bus Crash Test (All-New Test)

Instead of at 30 Mp/h, this is at 35 Mp/h. “Severe Test: 36% More Kinetic Energy than December 2007 NHTSA Motor Coach Crash Test“ Kinetic Energy: 1.8 million lb-ft The vehicle is a 1999 MCI D-Series Motor Coach. Rows 1, 2, and 3 were crushed my the impact. Aisle Seat-Window Seat Row 4 HIC 172-1065 Row 5 HIC 345-86 Row 6 HIC 346-1486 Row 8 HIC 28-29 Row 9 HIC 27-20 Row 10 HIC 117-159 Row 11 HIC 14-ND Row 12 HIC 30
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