come visit my little bookshop - my weekend work life ( a book haul)
I was meaning to do a QnA for this channel this week, but was delayed due to a microphone still giving me grief. I hope instead to share a little peep into my bookstore/bibliophile life as I plunge into the busy holiday season of bookselling. I used to work at a bookstore at my old city, and now love that I can work in a small town selling stories. I only work here a small portion hours each week as I have a main job to take care of, but love every minute of it. I may have to walk away from this job in the future due to other commitments, but in the meantime am enjoying my time here. I also thought I’d share my little book haul of the birthday season, and the books I’m planning to read this December.
Firstly, my own book The Cottage Fairy Companion can be ordered online on a variety of websites, including Amazon as well as my own little bookstore if you live in the US! They are happy to ship you signed copies. Links below:
The Cottage Fairy Companion
Also available at my local bookstore, Trail’s End Books (I sell signed copies there):
Other purchase options (including international) available on my linktree:
Here is the list of the other books mentioned:
A Nest for Celeste:
An Enchantment of Ravens :
East of the Sun, West of the Moon:
Wild Swans:
The Body Keeps the Score:
Oddfellows orphanage:
Daughters of Ys:
MY ETSY SHOP will re-open next year:
❤️No obligation whatsoever, but if you would like to donate to support this channel $8 will get a thank you postcard (my own art) from me in the mail (please note: you must include address in your note so I can send it!). It is much appreciated:
(Now and then a postcard has been returned to me or lost in the mail. If you have not received a postcard e-mail me at endymionmerrill@! I send them out once a month, so definitely don’t be too worried if it has been a couple weeks but do contact me if you have any concerns. )
Thank you!
Business e-mail: endymionmerrill@
Information and conservation efforts in the beautiful Okanogan County:
🌎 Take action to protect our lands (no donations necessary):
🌙 My favorite charity:
☀️Take Action:
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(Get a month free with my referral code)
Sometimes I use affiliate links, allowing a purchase to give me a small comission! Thank you!
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