Where did I come from? Why am I here? What is my mission, my purpose? Explore the answers to these questions with Dolores Cannon, recognized as a pioneer in the field of past-life regression. (This is an excerpt from a lecture given by Dolores Cannon at the 2012 Transformation Conference.)
About Dolores Cannon:
Recognized as a pioneer in the field of past-life regression, Dolores is a hypnotherapist who specializes in the recovery and cataloging of “Lost Knowledge”. Her roots in hypnosis go back to the 1960s, and she has been specializing in past-life therapy since the 1970s. She has developed her own technique and has founded the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy. Traveling all over the world teaching this unique healing method she has trained over 4000 students since 2002. This is her main focus now. However, she has been active in UFO and Crop Circle investigations for over 27 years since Lou Farish got her involved in the su
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Важность бабушки по материнской линии в вашей жизни 🔮 Великая скрытая сила ✨ Долорес Кэннон
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Признаки того, что Вселенная хочет, чтобы вы были с кем-то ✨ Долорес Кэннон
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