- Nobody Like Me

Stream Nobody Like Me: Official video for Nobody Like Me performed by Directed by & Chuk Owens Produced by GAZI WORLD I had a totally different video planned for “Nobody Like Me“. I was visiting NY during the pandemic and was suppose to fly back to LA to shoot this whole other idea. Being in NYC, I had fell back in love with the city and stayed longer. I was tapping back in with the community I knew out there and I got inspired all over again. The day I missed my flight I met with my boy and director Chuck Owens just to grab coffee, but told him I had this urge to shoot something in the city just didn’t know what. Later that night, Jo Vanguard invited me to this private party in Yonkers and I went with Nour (model from video). I don’t know if it was hookah that night I saw the whole video in my head. I folded up a paper and drew out the whole story/shot list, met with Chuck, showed him the treatment and what other v
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