Jihad’ is often attached to Islamic radicals waging a holy war against non-believers. But that’s a fraction of the term’s meaning, and many Muslims argue, it’s misinterpreted. Jihad actually calls for something much larger - and there’s a whole group within Islam urging for a return to this primary definition.
Learn More:
The MyJihad Campaign
“MyJihad is a public education campaign that seeks to share the proper meaning of Jihad as believed and practiced by the majority of Muslims.“
Essential Elements of Islamic Practice: The Special Case of Jihad
“Jihad is sometimes considered the Sixth Pillar of Islam. Probably no term in the Islamic lexicon has caused more confusion - and more fear - than the simple Arabic word jihad.“
The Meaning of Jihad
“Jihad is simply the process of “exerting the best efforts,“ involving some form of “struggle“ and “resistance,“ to achieve a particular goal.“
The True Spirit of Jihad
“Jihad is an Islamic institution that is widely misunderstood.“
Dictionary of Islam: Jihad
“JIHAD: ’An effort, or a striving.’ A religious war with those who are unbelievers in the mission of Muhammad.. It is an incumbent religious duty, established in the Qur’an and in the Traditions as a divine institution, and enjoined specially for the purpose of advancing Islam and of repelling evil from Muslims.“
Introduction: Jihad
“The literal meaning of Jihad is struggle or effort, and it means much more than holy war.“
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