FIFA 22 | ALL *NEW* SKILLS TUTORIAL | (PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One)
Merchandise -
The Controls in this video support NEXT GEN & OLD GEN. That means it will work on PS5, PS4 ,XBOX one ,XBOX ONE X ,XBOX SERIES S/S
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Second Channel-
This video explains the skill move system inside of FIFA 22 . The new skills systems in FIFA 22 are very difficult for the players and this video teaches then how to perform them with all the instructions in detail. This video is comepletely for Educational purposes of the user playing FIFA in this video is my footage.
This video shows these skill moves
Skill Bridge
First Time Spin
Four Touch Spin
Scoop Turn Fake
Check out my other videos :
FIFA 22 Knuckleball/Power Free Kick Tutorial