➡️➡️Learn more about our Secrets Of Acoustic Treatment here:
➡️➡️Join the Produce Like A Pro Academy here:
➡️➡️Watch the other videos in our Building A Studio series here:
➡️➡️Download the Understanding Your Room cheatsheet here:
➡️➡️Check out some of Warren’s Favourite Gear here:
Equipment Used:
➡️➡️Get the Acoustical FulFillment Flex 48:
➡️➡️Get the Acoustical FulFill Panel:
➡️➡️Get the pArtScience Space Array:
➡️➡️Get the Auralex ProGo 26:
➡️➡️Get the Rose Brand Memorable Velour Curtain:
➡️➡️Get the Zaor Miza 88 XL Desk:
Today, we