Wool Roll Bread | Coconut Bread | Sesame Bread| Two kinds of filling 毛线球面包

#椰蓉面包 #Wool roll bread #Coconut bread Bread ingredients 面团需要的食材有: Bread flour 400g 高筋面粉 | 面包粉 Sugar 50g 糖 Salt 5g 盐 Egg 1 鸡蛋 Dry yeast 5g 酵母 Butter 25g 黄油 Milk 210g 牛奶 Coconut filling ingredients椰蓉馅儿需要的食材有: Coconut powder 60g 椰蓉 Egg yolk 3 鸡蛋黄 Coconut milk powder 椰子奶粉 Coconut flaked 椰丝 4g
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