[PREVIEW #4.1] Novocaine - djeb (remix) ft. XboxGamerK (REVAMPED)

Finally, after months of rethinking and being frustrated that I couldn’t finish this animation, I have made the song with @djeb help! He did the most part and been super supportive of my vocals. I cannot explain how happy I am that this song turned out so well 💜 It’s autotuned to hell and back, but I wanted it to sound good. Check out his albums and channel! He is really talented!! djeb’s channel - Spotify - Soundcloud - Also, I might just upload the full song to the public. I just need to think of what kind of visuals to put ^^“ Aaaaand, I was planning to make 5 previews, 3.5/5 are done in progress video wise, but not ready to be published. I guess I will have my main focus on this project and then I will upload all those previews. It was super easy for me to just, go in and animate this project a
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