Sharpen your JavaScript skills by building 15 projects using plain JavaScript without frameworks. In this tutorial course, you will be taught step-by-step how to build JavaScript projects.
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✏️ Course created by John Smilga. Check out his YouTube channel:
🔗 John Smilga’s website:
⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (00:00) Intro
⌨️ (07:01) Color Flipper
⌨️ (30:25) Counter
⌨️ (44:04) Reviews
⌨️ (1:11:29) Navbar
⌨️ (1:26:21) Sidebar
⌨️ (1:39:03) Modal
⌨️ (1:48:26) Questions
⌨️ (2:16:25) Menu
⌨️ (3:16:13) Video
⌨️ (3:32:45) Scroll
⌨️ (4:36:15)