Teemo I Love You 【Dango Daikazoku parody】

edit2: download link: edit: Summoner’s showcase! THANK YOU! (I do not own anything but my voice, lyrics and pictures. This is a parody for entertainment purposes). Based on Dango Daikazoku (big Dango family), from Clannad’s ED. I had fun drawing this. :D The art: I held my dango plushie singing this: Lyrics: Teemo, Teemo, Teemo, Teemo Teemo, I love you! Teemo, Teemo, Teemo, Teemo, Cotton Tail, Happy Elf, Astronaut! Badger, Recon, Superhero - I love all your skins! Where are you hiding now, my little yordle? I want to play with you today! Mushrooms blew up in my face and then I died. Again. You’re my favorite champion, I instalock you and watch you shoot darts out of your bamboo You’re so cute and fluffy, I just want to take you home Go to sleep w
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