French Army On The Move (1940)

Unused / unissued material - dates unclear or unknown. France. French army officers stand in front of bomb damaged building. Damaged materials are moved in the building. It may be a factory. Men appear to be moving large engines or gearboxes. Men load things onto lorry outside building - sign above door reads: “Atelier Mecanique“. Lorry drives off. Officers continue looking around snow covered factory. Various shots of wood yard. Civilians load large logs into railway trucks. More shots of officers wandering around. Good shots of weary French soldiers tramping through snow and blizzards with horse drawn guns and equipment. - Spacing - Tracking shots from car driving through bombed town in France. The car is stopped by a lone sentry who uses an old horse carriage for his box. CU sentry looking out. Other cars are stopped. More tracking shots. MS car travelling through slush on cart track. Officers look over abandoned gun emplacement. N.B. Paperwork suggests this is from March 1940. FILM
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