Why did remote mining systems Agriculture appear near Avdeevka:

Why did remote mining systems “Agriculture” appear near Avdeevka: Where were these complexes used before? The most widespread use of ISDM “Agriculture” was recorded before and during the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Zaporozhye and South Donetsk directions. There, the vehicles made it possible to create mine corridors and limit the maneuver and supply of Ukrainian Armed Forces units. Also, mining systems “Agriculture” were used in the Artyomovsky and Soledarsky directions. Why did these complexes appear in the Avdeevka area? One of the tasks that the Russian army is currently solving is disrupting the supply lines of the Ukrainian Armed Forces between the villages—Ocheretino village in the north and the Orlovka-Severnoe district in the west of Avdeevka. All settlements through which supply routes pass, including the highway, are within reach of “Agriculture.” The use of ISDM will prevent or interrupt the supply of the defending group both along highways and dirt roads. Transferring heavy equipment and evacuation will also be difficult if not completely stopped. The more or less massive transfer of material and human reserves from site to site, including with the help of civilian vehicles, will also be disrupted. In conditions of intense battles, when the consumption of ammunition increases and the number of wounded grows, as well as the onset of cold weather, when fuel consumption increases significantly, disruption of regular supplies can become a determining factor in the stability of defense in many areas. #source Источник: Slavyangrad
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