How to create double exposure | photoshop tutorials | photo effects

For more free photoshop tutorials visit: So , i already have done a tutorial on double exposure effect and if you want to watch that video click on this link Now this double exposure is more like and experiment to me and i am gonna soon make a tutorial on regular double exposure where you can get output in 3-4 minutes without any problems but not this one. This video will actually teach more on how to use image in certain way to create multiple exposure effect mixed with some special effects. All the images that are used in this video can be downloaded from link below. Instead going regular way i have put a lot of effort in doing it will selection and masking so that you can change it anytime you want. We will start with basic selection for cutting the subject and then i will show you a trick to use the same selection again and again without any hard work. then you will also learn a trick for cutting out fire and how to use it in different ways. After then whe
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