[FREE FOR PROFIT] Yn Jay x Rio Da Yung Og x BabyTron Detroit Type Beat - "KILL MR" (PRODBOBY)
⏲ BPM: 202
💵 [FREE FOR PROFIT] Yn Jay x Rio Da Yung Og x BabyTron Detroit Type Beat - “KILL MR“
● Instagram:
✉️ prodforboby@
Usage: Free beats (free downloads) can be used for profit, promotional or personal use. Such uses include free promotionals, displaying your recording online via streaming sites (YouTube, Facebook, etc.) and free non-profit live shows. Remember not to register anything without any permission given by the author as content id since it is for community use and everyone can use it, in other cases you would have to pay a license. 💦
Credit: Upon use, written credit must be given for the creation of the beat in the following format: “Produced by (Producer Name)”. This credit must be provided on all physical or digital distributions of your recording using the beat. Credit must be given in the same format for streamin