“Assassin“ Drill Demos 1994

As I remember... I met Wayne and Ken through our mutual friend P.J. Olsson (a talented singer, songwriter, producer and my roommate in L.A.) I was back visiting my family in Chicago, probably the winter of ’93. I went down to see a band that Wayne and Ken were in at that time. I liked the band but knew Wayne and Ken were the standout talents. We hung out a bit that winter and I said “well if you ever make it to L.A. I’ll start a band with you guys.“ They must have already had moving on their minds because they arrived at my and P.J.’s apartment a few months later! I was working a day job at Ticketmaster in the call center and convinced Ken to apply there. I already knew Tony Campos, who also worked there. We jammed with Tony and it was clear he was perfect for the band. That was early 1994. We did a few demo recordings, one on a Tascam 4-track in our rehearsal space and then this one in a real studio. We did some shows too. Coconut Teaser, The Whisk
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