Berlin - 1945 | Movietone Moment | 2 February 2020

On this day in 1945, the Eight Air Force bombed Berlin. Here is a British Movietone report on how Berlin was a few years earlier in the 1930s before Berlin became the most bombed city in the world. To appreciate the changes that have happened to Berlin in the last few years we look back to the 1930’s when Hitler was at the peak of his triumphs. Berlin has now become the most bombed city in the world and the United States 8th Army Air Force has recently carried out another heavy raid. Cut story - (Library - Elevated shot of Hitler’s car driving through crowded streets. Various shots all angles of Hitler standing in car driving through crowds of hysterical people. Elevated shot of colossal crowds. SCU of Hitler standing in car. Night shots of crowds in Berlin. Goering drives through streets seated in car. Hitler on balcony, below huge crowds, Goering joins him. Night shots of firework display). Fade to American 8th Flying Fortresses flying in formation, leave vapour trails, various aerial shots. Aerial shots of Berlin, smoking & burning. Library - Shots of “Big Three“ at Tehran. CU Churchill, Stalin & Roosevelt, individually & together. Bombs falling, also in cut story. see story number 45505/2, 45505/3 for cuts Disclaimer: British Movietone is an historical collection. Any views and expressions within either the video or metadata of the collection are reproduced for historical accuracy and do not represent the opinions or editorial policies of the Associated Press. You can license this footage for commercial use through AP Archive - the story number is BM45505 #wwii #Berlin #bombing Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: Tumblr: ​​ Instagram:
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