Miller Genuine Draft/lesbian commercial

An attractive blonde woman orders a drink from the bar. While looking around the rest of the room, she spots an attractive masculine-looking figure on the opposite side of the room and signals the bartender for two beers. When she takes the beer to the other person, she realizes it is, in fact, a woman. The blonde looks conflicted and nervous for a few moments, before eventually smiling at the other woman and leaning in to talk. The ad closes with the slogan “Never Miss a Genuine Opportunity“ Gayness, bisexuality or being transgendered is treated as a non-issue in these commercials. Like people of color are now often shown, gays are included in vignettes and sometimes in the mix of a larger campaign. This may be what the future of gays in commercials will look like: part of a larger whole. These ads meet Commercial Closet’s Best Practices.
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