Perfect World Furious Numa Numa Dance

ADD “fmt=18“ AT THE END OF LINK TO WATCH IT IN HIGH QUALITY. AMV of my PW all Indonesian guild on the delphi server called “Furious“ doing the Numa2 song. This is not a full perfect version because the lack of scene material i need to make a longer version one . But perhaps i’ll upload the full version one when i got the time and material i need. Hope you all enjoyed it .Thanks a lot, and please comment and rate it, i would really appreciate it Buat anggota guild Furious yang suda ngeliat tolong tinggalin komentarnya walaupun ini blm versi full nya tapi makasih banyak banget ya buat semua yang uda bantuin aku buat scenya tee hee, jangan bosen2 ya bantu saya. Nyaaaaa Disclaimer : The Numa numa or dragostea din tae music was not made by me! it was under a copyright by O zone
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