Remembering World of Warcraft: Nostalgia Compilation

A journey through some the most nostalgic tracks from World of Warcraft and its expansions (up to MoP). Tracklist: Intro 0:00 Magnificent Desolation 2:32 Shalandis Isle Part 1: WOW CLASSIC 6:40 Darnassus 9:19 Teldrassil 13:09 Dun Morogh 20:31 Elwynn Forest 23:28 Thunder Bluff 29:52 Elders’ Hearth 32:43 Stranglethorn Vale 36:53 Shimmering Flats 40:55 Burning Steppes Part 2: THE BURNING CRUSADE 43:18 Shards of the Exodar 47:50 Azuremyst Isle 50:26 Eversong Woods 1:01:19 Crimson Hall 1:04:27 Hellfire 1:06:
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