06 - Angelic Music - Archangel Raphael
Raphael has long been regarded as the angel of healing. His name may be derived from the Hebrew word Rophe, which means “medicine doctor”; or Rapach, which means “God heals the soul.”
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Archangel Raphael brings God’s healing light to Earth. His role consists of revealing the true healed bodies that God created for all of us. To Raphael, everyone is already healthy in spiritual you ask Raphael to heal a condition, often the cure manifests instantly. The archangel was just waiting for you to give him permission to conduct his healing people feel a gentle buzzing energy as Raphael is healing them; or they see green lights. But for others, Raphael’s healing is very subtle. Raphael can help you reduce or eliminate pain stemming from short-term and chronic conditions. Again, it’s a result of your asking for his help. In this way, you signal your permission for him to intervene.
Raphael also combines his healing and travel talents to assure that you stay well prior to and during your Raphael often works in tandem with Archangel Michael to clear away fear and stress, which are major factors affecting health. The more you work with these archangels, the more you’ll come to trust them.
His name means “God has healed“ and is based on the Hebrew word “rapha“ which means healer or doctor hence he is also known as the physician of the angelic realm.
He is a very powerful healer and is charged with the healing of our beloved Mother Earth, Gaia and all of her inhabitants.
Not only does he conduct general spiritual healing directly upon the ill or injured but when working with you, the individual, Raphael begins with purifying your mind and erasing false beliefs because, as I am sure you are aware, it is your thoughts that trigger your health problems, not your body.
Relax your mind and body NOW, prepare for work, study, or just energize yourself.
Listening to music can have a tremendously relaxing effect on our minds and bodies, especially slow, quiet, classical, meditation music. This type of music can have a beneficial effect on our physiological functions, slowing the pulse and heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and decreasing the levels of stress hormones.
WellBeingAcademy is innovative in Relaxing & Meditation Music, Study Music, Healing Music, Reiki Music, Zen Music, and Nature Music.
Listening to instrumental music at specific times of the day has been shown to be helpful in maintaining good health (both physical and spiritual). We compose instrumental music that is specially designed to encourage and enhance relaxation, meditation, brain function, focus and concentration and body&mind healing music therapy. In addition, we sometimes use binaural sounds to naturally achieve a state of relaxation which is perfect for concentration, meditation or deep sleep. This music is perfect for all kind of meditation and relaxation. Our music videos use light, beautiful, calming sounds (some with sounds of nature), that leave you feeling relaxed and refreshed.
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06 - Angelic Music - Archangel Raphael
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