Latte Art Ritual!

Latte Art Ritual! 📸☕️🤍💫 . We have been very pleased with this Prototype CREATE Latte Pitcher by our friends at @kruveinc . It has three different spouts for different latte arts and preferences. Their Black Ceramic Latte cup is also beautiful and easy to pour in 💯 . 🔸️Tools used in the video: 🔹️Pesado Tamper, Shot Mirror, WDT, Dosing funnel, and Hybrid Portafilter. Feel free to benefit from our 15% Discount Code 👉 OCS15% @pesado58.5 🔹️Varia AKU Coffee Scale, feel free to benefit from our 10% Discount Code 👉 OCS10% @variabrewing 🔹️White dosing cup by Normcore, feel free to benefit from our Discount Code 👉 OCS5% @normcorewares 🔹️SaintAnthoneyIndustries Tamping station. We have a 15% Discount Link, you can check it in our Highlighted (Discounts) story. 🔹️Lelit Mara X by Lelit. 🔹️Coffee by @airroast
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