Past tense irregular verbs song

Past tense irregular verbs song Lyrics When I say go you say went. Go -Went -Go – Went I went down to the beach at the weekend. When I say buy you say bought Buy-Bought-Buy-Bought. I bought an ice cream with raspberry sauce When I say see you say saw See-Saw- See - Saw I saw a turtle right by the seashore. When I say think you say thought. Think-Thought-Think-Thought I thought it was incredible I stood in awe. We take the present back to the past. We take have and change it to had. We take go and change it to went. We take send and change it to sent. We take is and change it to was. Learn the song come on it’s not hard. We take buy and change it to bought. And I teach the words you’ve been taught. When I say come you say came. Come- Came-Come-Came. My friend came over to see me from Spain When I say make you say made. Make-Made-Make-Made I made dinner for my friend and he said it was great. When I say sing you say sang. Sing-Sang-Sing-Sang We sang karaoke just like a rock band. When I say is you say was. Is-Was-Is-Was. It was a great night a great night it was. We take the present back to the past. We take have and change it to had. We take go and change it to went. We take send and change it to sent. We take is and change it to was. Learn the song come on it’s not hard. We take buy and change it to bought. And I teach the words you’ve been taught. When I say grow you say grew. Grow-Grew-Grow-Grew I grew some white roses and some red ones too. When I say give you say gave. Give-Gave-Give-Gave. I gave them to my girlfriend on Valentine’s Day. When I say take you say took. Take-Took-Take-Took I took a photo of her holding them up. When I say write you say wrote Write-Wrote-Write-Wrote. I left a love you note in an envelope We take the present back to the past. We take have and change it to had. We take go and change it to went. We take send and change it to sent. We take is and change it to was. Learn the song come on it’s not hard. We take buy and change it to bought. And I teach the words you’ve been taught. Karaoke version Irregular Verbs Playlist
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