Diablo 3 Parody (Boyfriend) - TerenceJayMusic

Win the Demon Hunter Armor - Buy Diablo 3: Download This Song! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Diablo 3 Parody (Boyfriend) - TerenceJayMusic Written, Composed and Performed by TERENCE JAY (@TerenceJay) Directed by BEHN FANNIN (@BehnFannin) Starring Danna Richards: Produced by New Antics (@NewAntics) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hey Guys! It’s Terence Jay! Diablo 3 is finally here! This is my latest parody for the release of Diablo 3! Can’t wait to loot some dungeons and pimp out my skill tree! My BattleTag is coming soon. PLEASE SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS! What game should I sing about next? Tell me in the comments! Peace! -------------------------
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