Johann Heinrich Schmelzer: Sonata IV a Sei; Voices of Music

From Schmelzer’s collection Sacro-Profanus Concentus Musicus (Nuremberg, 1662), the six-part sonata No. 4 in A Minor. Live, HD Video from the Early Music ensemble Voices of Music, performed on original instruments, from the “Bach, Biber & Buxtehude“ concert, 2013. In 1662, Schmelzer published a collection of music for string ensemble, or strings with trumpets, trombones and cornettos in various combinations, with organ continuo. The music is especially rich and dense, a marked contrast to the more Italianate sonatas from book of solo violin music, Sonatae Unarum Fidium (see our video here The musicians and their instruments (left to right) Elizabeth Blumenstock, baroque violin by Andrea Guarneri, Cremona, 1660 Carla Moore, baroque violin by Johann Georg Thir, Vienna, Austria, 1754 Maxine Nemerovski, baroque violin by Timothy Johnson, Indiana, 1999 (after Stradivarius) Kati Kyme, baroque viola, Germany, anonymous, 18th century Lisa Grodin, baroque viola by Mathias
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