Scott Michael Foster & Spencer Grammer - Real Life Fairytale

Spencer Grammer: „Favorite thing about Greek?“ Scott Michael Foster: “You! Favorite thing about Greek?“ Spencer Grammer: “Clearly Scott Michael Foster!“ ______________________________ Ok, first of all: No, Spencer and Scott are NOT dating (as far as I know). I just think they both have such a cute, funny, nice personality and its always so much fun watching interviews with them. That’s why I wanted to make a video about them, to celebrate their on-screen and of-screen chemistry. And furthermore, this was a video suggestion from aich02. I hope you like it! :) ______________________________ This video sucks a lot. The quality is really bad most of the times (I’m really sorry for that but I couldn’t find clips in better quality) and the editing is lame. The only thing that makes this video bearable for me is the cuteness that is Scott and Spencer :) I still hope you’ll like it a little! Comments are love!
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